• Hi!
    I'm Mithun Majumdar


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About Me

Who Am I?

Hi, I'm Mithun Majumdar. I have been working in two places for one year. I am working as a Junior Research Fellow in IIT ISM to build a neuro gadget to detect fire in coal mines. We are working on a coal mine dataset collected by a prof and based on the dataset; we make a machine learning model for prediction and suggestion to change the scenario from fire state to no-fire state. I am also working in HaiX (UK based startup) as part-time AI Researchers remotely, and the company is working on NLP. Here my role is to bring Open-Source Research into The production. We have also working on the Explainable AI side. I am happy to work with any dataset using ML, DL, RL.

What I do?

Here are some of my expertise

Innovative Ideas

Machine Learning

Image Processing

Natural Language Processing



My Specialty

My Skills

I have experience on API based application

Machine Learning


Natural Language processing


Image Processing


Web Devlopment


Application Devlopment



Completed M.Tech from Jawaharlal Nehru University and Secure 7.54 cpi out 9

M.Tech dissertation Entitled Computer Aided Segmentation of Oral Mucosa to Detect Cancer

  • In this dissertation, we developed an effective approach capable of identifying oral squamous cell carcinoma in the epithelium layer of histopathalogical images of oral mucosa with more accuracy. The work help to identify how selecting initial centroid for k-means improved the classification accuracy.
  • M.Tech Class Work Project Entitled Environmental Factors Detecting By Sensor

  • Two type of functionality, we developed: Detect sensor data and store it memory card.The component used in this proposed system are Arduino UNO, Gas sensors(MQ-7, MQ-135) and Micro SD card Adapter.
  • Completed B.Tech from Mizoram University and Secure 8.56 CPGA out of 10

    B.Tech dissertation Entitled Various Method of Image Segmentation

  • In this dissertation, we developed some of existing segmentation and implemented it on various type of data.The work contain K-means algorithm, Edge Detection using Haar Wavelet, Fuzzy logic, Robert, Pewit, Sobel Operator. We performed different type of smoothing filter like Gaussian, High Pass filter.
  • B.Tech Minor Project Entitled A social app name WITHYOU

  • The main motivation behind the WITHYOU is established communication between the Patient and Doctor.Technologies used Xampp server and Mysql database for storing all the data. Android that contains XML And java, PHP for connectivity for database.
  • Completed HSE from Islampur High School and Score 71.40%

    Completed MP from Darivit High School and Score 72.88%


    Work Experience

    Junior Research Fellow 2021-Till Now. At IIT ISM, Dhanbad

    “To develop an Artificial Intelligence (AI) based machine learning solutions to enable prediction of occurrence of fire in Open cast mines extracting locked coal pillars with safety”

    AI Resecher at HAIX, UK June, 2021-Till Now

    I have worked as a Backend Engineer and Deployed solutions for extracting data from social media. Labeling Data and Training the model is also done under this Internship.

    My Work

    My Publication


    Recent Work

    Work 01

    Machine Learning and Deep Learning

    10 2

    Get in Touch


    248, Emerald Hostel, IIT-ISM, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India